Roscoff to Geneva
Follow my first journey by bike in June 2017 soon after article 50 was triggered. During my first week on the road the London Bridge terrorist attack occurred, the general election followed a few days later and then Grenfell happened. Follow my initial attempts to make sense of Brexit, by listening to people’s reactions in France, as well as their views on Europe and the EU.
Rome to Athens
Cycling from one ancient civilisation to another in November 2017 - I discovered what people on the southern fringes of the continent think about the EU and what it means to be European. Here I also investigate the effects of austerity, the dangers of political apathy and the refugee crisis in Greece.
Belfast to Dublin
In August 2018 I set off from Belfast to Derry/Londonderry, then cycled to the West coast before turning back and heading east along the border to Dublin, to explore the complexities of the political situation there, as well as the impact of Brexit on people’s lives. Here I explore what we can learn from Northern Ireland in regards to division and polarisation concluding that on the island of Ireland claiming to be European or not, has now become a political declaration.
Strasbourg to Cologne
In the winter of 2018, travelling deeper into ideas on identity, I cycled from Strasbourg to Cologne exploring how nationalism is constructed, and its consequences.
Paris to London
After spending a weekend volunteering with the Refugee Community Kitchen in Calais, I cycled with the photographer Richard Maddock along the Kent coast in April 2019. Most people I spoke with regardless of their views on Brexit, said they no longer understood what was happening in Westminster.